Management of corporate dynamics, administrative planning and designing of M&A transactions may represent essential topics for those companies that are interested in starting or managing business ventures in Italy. Our legal advice is characterized by high quality service for our clients and is based on a deep-rooted experience of all our partners.
Our main activities in this field are:
- Opening of branch and liaison offices;
- Incorporation of companies (in cooperation with our English and German speaking notary; we can assist you in every single step of the process, including tailor-made bylaws, drafted according to your needs);
- Setting up corporate governance and management of the corporate activities (shareholders’ meetings, meetings of the Board of Directors);
- Planning and execution of joint ventures;
- Legal and fiscal status of the company;
- Liability of the directors;
- Criminal liability of companies according to Legislative Decree no. 231/2002 (Compliance). Thanks to our already accumulated significant experience in the field of corporate transactions (including in particular cross-border operations between Italy and other countries) we can offer an expert assistance in the case of mergers, change of the legal structure, demergers, and acquisitions of companies. Furthermore, we provide all relevant documentation in Italian, as well as in English and in German.